Episode I Miscellaneous Handmaiden Merchandise
In addition to literature, action figures, and dolls, the Handmaidens of Episode I had a few other items released with their likeness. Below you will find a potpourri of Handmaiden Merchandise.
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The Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace DVD is a must for any handmaiden enthusiast. Here, you can refine your Handmaiden Identification skills and marvel at Sabé's nerves of steel. You can view Keira Knightley modeling the Disco Ball Gown in a costume feature as well as see our ladies giggle hysterically during the gag reel. Of course, the film is the one most loaded with handmaiden offerings. If you don't own the DVD, be sure to get the Widescreen Edition. Otherwise, you don't get the full handmaiden picture.
"Queen Amidala and her loyal handmaidens are known to take a breather with this royal nightime revel." The Star Wars Party Book by Mikayla Bruder is a themed book that helps children plan their own "Palace Pajama Party" among other party themes. Girls can learn how to put on face paint and be Amidala's Decoy. A recipe for Padmé's Power Bars is given as well as a yummy dessert. You can dye a hooded nightgown and make your own Handmaiden Flame Pajamas. The book is cute, but seems to focus more on the beauty aspect of Amidala and her Handmaidens. Regal is used as an adjective a lot.
As a tie in with their role-playing games, Wizard of the Coast made a Human Female Handmaiden figure. The store at the Official Site states: "They are trained by the best soldiers and are prepared to sacrifice themselves to save the queen. These traits often make former handmaidens highly desirable as adventurers." The figure is approximately one and a quarter inches tall and is made of lightweight pewter.
In May of 1999, a Queen Amidala Calender was released. This 18 month mini-calender has numerous photos of Queen Amidala in all of her beautiful costumes. While one shot is of Keira, the front of the calender and another shot show Natalie in the Escape from Naboo Gown. A few of the months have pictures of the Queen with her handmaidens.
Several images of Queen Amidala make up this item, one of the many Episode I shirts produced. In addition to Natalie in the Escape from Naboo Gown, there is a good picture of Eirtaé and Rabé with Amidala in their Pre-Sentate costumes.
The Queen Amidala Royal Coloring Book contains numerous handmaiden pictures that you can color. However, like many other items, the book also has several errors. The Handmaidens are pictured throughout the book in their Flame Gowns. While those are beautiful costumes, it is a little disconcerting to see them being worn during the Theed Palace Battle. They even have a Flame Handmaiden perched on the ledge just before the ascension gun scene. Such oddities are commonplace in Handmaidenology.
The Official Site states: "The royal pistol was specially designed for Amidala and her handmaidens, its size and weight making it a perfect and natural extension of the hand." Well, the actual pistol may be light and easy to use, but Queen Amidala's Pistol is a larger and bulkier weapon. This plastic water gun can be used to soak and short circuit any battle droid in your path.
The Star Wars Cookbook II-Darth Malt and More Galactic Recipes contains several easy to make recipes based on that galaxy far, far away. Among the concoctions are Panakacakes, Padmé Pad Thai, and an actual handmaiden recipe, Handmaiden Hash Browns. "These savory hash browned potatoes have an understated elegance, just like the handmaidens. Wedges of this crispy potato cake make a fantastic accompaniment to a slice of Forceful Fritatta."
The Handmaidens make an appearance in the children's CD-Rom Jar Jar Bink's Adventure Game. The game provides some missing moments from Episode I told from Jar Jar's point of view while learning some new vocabulary along the way. Jar Jar and the Jedi meet up with the handmaidens in Queen Amidala's chambers. The ladies help Amidala change outfits...and personas as well.
Up until 2001, Decipher held the license for the Star Wars Collectible Card Game. During the months and years after the release of Episode I, several cards were released featuring the handmaidens exclusively. These cards presented the first clear images of Saché and Yané. Below are some of the cards from the Star Wars CCG and Young Jedi series.
Although some of these items were released several years ago, you may still be able to purchase the majority of them. Your best bet would be to browse your local and online toy stores, collector websites, and www.starwars.com.
For more information on Handmaiden Merchandise, please visit our Handmaidens in Books and Dolls and Action Figures sections.
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